The SAMTACS Concept
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We place our services at
your disposal. Please contact
us through the following
phone numbers.
We are looking forward to working with you:
Ken Oesterreich:

+49 (0)172 372 69 20
Marcel Köhler:

+49 (0)176 46 60 14 39
Customer Feedback
What our clients say about
our services
„I really appreciated the fact that SAMTACS didn’t offer just
another pre-designed seminar where you always seem to get the same old content under
a new label. The know ho was well as the specific details that I picked up in this
course proved to be every applicable to my everyday work. The seminar atmosphere was
great, every single one of questions was answered in great detail and situations and
scenarios which were brought up throughout the course were dealt with in a highly
professional manner. Well Done.“
Chris M., Leipzig
„I was thrilled by the open-mindedness and
pro-active thinking of the instructors and the great emphasis they both put on
real world applications. The great professionalism created a relaxed atmosphere
that contributed to a highly productive and dynamic seminar environment. I was
convinced by the honest teaching style, high value information that are easy to
remember as well as the no-nonsense skills which I still use in my daily business.
Thank you.“
Carmen L., Dresden
„The level and quality of instruction was of the
highest standard and was professionally presented. Mr. Oesterreich is a very focused
instructor and is obviously extremely knowledgeable in this particular discipline.
The material covered will undoubtedly prove to be highly beneficial for our line of
work. It is therefore that we recommend Mr. Oesterreich as an instructor of the highest
caliber. His knowledge and instructional capabilities will allow the student to come
away well prepared, confident and capable.“
Mr. Keith Roberts (General Manager) and Mr. Mike Beckner (Anti-Poaching Coordinator) (Friedkin Conservation Fund, Arusha Tanzania)
Every company has its individual specific requirements. Therefore each
(SAM®) service package is built around your company’s core comptencies.
SAMTACS (SAM®)-Team supports you according to your
needs and requirements for strategic change management in essential competency
Evaluate or Assess your service spectrum and don’t hesitate to contact us.
We look forward to working with you.
Our Services in Detail
Leadership Enhancement
Only motivated management staff and co-workers are able to completely unfold their creative and professional potential. Motivation, qualifications and individual competency resonate directly with a vibrant working environment and are the preconditions for peak performance. Experience how health and motivation of your personnel can optimize performance levels when a group of individuals evolve into a functional team. The
(SAM®)-Team supports your projects with the following seminars and workshops:
- Performance Enhancement
- Motivation & Life Skill Management
- Didactical Coaching
- Strategic Team Management
Personnel Risk Management
Over the past decade, senior managers as well as their teams find themselves confronted with geopolitical developments that challenge security and workplace safety issues. This is especially relevant for the private and official sectors that find themelseves frequently under media scrutiny, and thus also find themselves challenged in how to deal with aggressive and potentially destructive behavior in the workplace as well as client-induced violence.
(SAM®) equips you and your personnel with proven instruments for the successful management of critical interactions in urban settings and camera-rich environments both nationally and internationally. We support your company's efforts to enhance both the individual and team specific competencies in the following subjects:
- Interacting with difficult and aggressive individuals
- Intervention Management Skills
- Conflict Resolution Management
Organisation Enhancement
/ Change Management
The ability to successfully deal with the consequences of both stress and intercultural particularities within the decision-making processes is essential for success and peak performances in most business segments.
(SAM®) offers you a wide variety of conflict management tools that specifically target your individual peak performance levels in terms of:
- Time Management & Self Management
- Physical and Mental Stress Management
- Strategic Communication
- Intercultural Competency